Updated: October, 30, 2023
Intellectual LLC, doing business as Intellectual & Co., Int & Co., Intellectual Collective, Intellectual Public Benefit Company, Intellectual PBC, and Intellectual (“INTELLECTUAL”, “we,” “us,” or “our”) is a Statutory Public Benefit Limited Liability Company incorporated in the State of Delaware, United States of America. Our global headquarters is located in Arlington, Virginia, USA. We have been proactively creating positive impact in the world since April 6 of 2010.
Following is a partial list of Intellectual’s trademarks and registered trademarks in the United States of America. Unregistered or registration-pending trademarks bear the ™ symbol or are otherwise noted as such. This list is updated from time to time. Failure by Intellectual to list a particular trademark (registered or unregistered) is not a waiver of any Intellectual’s rights.
Intellectual “Light bulb” logo: ™
Intellectual & Co.™
Intellectual Collective™
Int & Co.™
Intellectual Public Benefit Company™
Intellectual PBC™
Trademarks should include correct spelling and not be altered in any way. Trademarks are adjectives, and should not be made into verbs or nouns, or made plural or possessive.
Do not combine the Intellectual trademarks with third party trademarks. Third party names and logos cannot be used in conjunction with Intellectual trademarks and logos in product names except to connote that Intellectual technology is included or being offered as part of a larger solution. Intellectual trademarks and logos may not be used as part of the product name for any third-party service or product or as part of the company name for any third-party company.
Intellectual trademarks should always be marked with the proper notation (® for registered trademarks and ™ for trademarks which are not yet registered) and be accompanied by the appropriate attribution notice, for example: Intellectual and the Intellectual “light bulb” logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intellectual in the United States of America.